Numerology 2023 Ruling Number 1

Number 1: Numerology 2022

Number 1 (People born on 1, 10, 19, 28)

Number 1 Represents the Sun

Number 1 Numerology 2023 Predictions

The ever-so-powerful Sun that gives life and light to the universe is the one true creative force. It is full of energy and has lots of powers.
This year 2022, will be a good one for people who possess number 1. However, some students may face some challenges to cope up with the pressure of studies. Distractions due to a crush can lead to a lack of attention in academics and cause significant hindrances.
This year will be tremendous, and positive things will be on your way. Do not focus on your failures. Instead, celebrate your achievements and be proud of the person you are becoming and the great things that you have done in your life. Overall, this year will be a joyful year for you. Try to control your anger. Don't be impatient, stay calm, and do your work wisely. The homemakers will enjoy the warmth and attention of their loved ones this year, which will make them feel pampered. This year will teach you how to bring balance into your life, as this year will challenge you to manage your time better in your personal and professional life.

Numerology 2022: Career And Finance 

In this year, there will be a steady flow of income, and your finances will be in check. It will mark a good start for the freshers and bring fresh energy for those who plan to start a new venture. Be careful not to spend your money unless it is needed. Avoid overspending. This year will be suitable for earning a good amount of money. Your hard work will give you a good name. Those who are preparing for government services may not find uplifting results in their performance. 

Numerology 2022: Love And Relationships 

As the year begins, spend more time with your loved ones. Always be there for them because they need your guidance and support. This year will be good for your love relationship. Be grateful to your partner and appreciate their presence. You also have a chance to get married this year. This year will be very good for your relationship. Although singles will find it challenging to find a partner, they will get a good partner if they try. 

Numerology 2022: Health 

Your health is your wealth, and you should make some changes in your lifestyle to stay healthy. Make proper diet plans and start doing some workouts or physical activities. It will help you to stay healthy. This year will be fine on the health front if you don't take any risks related to your health. There will be no such serious problems but still do make necessary changes for a healthy lifestyle. Try to control your anger because your anger can affect your health. Start meditation too for your good health; it will boost your energy level. 

Let's get to know about the remedies for Number 1 for the year 2022. 

  1. Take one plain piece of paper and write number 1 on it with a golden-colored pen and keep it in your wallet, this will give you great energy, and it will also be lucky for you.
  2. Always take blessings from your father, and every early morning chant "Om Suryae Namah". By doing this, you will get strong stability in your life.


  • LUCKY CRYSTAL:- Rubi is your lucky crystal.
  • LUCKY COLORS:- Your lucky colors are Gold, Yellow, and Orange. These colors are most favorable for you.
  • DONATIONS:- Donate whole wheat and jaggery sweets in a male old-age home. This will give you good prosperity.
  • MANTRA CHANTING:- “Om Suryae Namah”. Chant every morning when the sunlight is dim.
  • Lucky Number for 2022:-  1 and 5

✍️ By- Astro Puujel

These are only generalized predictions for the upcoming year 2022. To find out your individual new year forecast and remedies, please connect with Vedic & Numerology Expert - Astro Puujel.

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